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Welcome to the Homepage of the Interfaculty
Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities.
Starting from here you can find Informations
about the Topics mentioned on the left Side.

Aktuell! The S CHUL N ETZ of the Project SET is online now (only in German)
New! Online Questionnaire(javascriptDreiFenster('endebit_titel.html',0,'menue_endebit.html',1,'../umfrage.htm',2)) on Ethics of Biotechnology
New! New Scholarships(javascriptDreiFenster('gk_titel.html',0,'menue_gk.html',1,'../deutsch/bewerbung_gk.html',2)) of the Postgraduate College to award (in German)

Last modified on 22 July 1997

diese Seite enthΣlt


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